sábado, 12 de enero de 2013


2nd. grade activity

Find the words in the puzzle.
There are 10 farm animals

r a b b i t c r f x 
c o w l r h n o h m 
h p o e i c t o o m 
o x r c p z m s r c 
r j k e f m z t s m 
g e i d u c k e e n 
n h d o g p q r f y 
s h e e p f a s i i 
a q q k e p i g k e 
n m o u s e r p c s 

chicken mouse
cow                 pig
dog                 rabbit
duck                rooster
horse               sheep

Have you found all the farm animals?
Now, find the animals in the picture

3 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations for your work, this activity seems very interesting because all kids like to do puzzles. And after image to reinforce learning seems very funny.

  2. Hello Maria,
    I think that your activity is very good to work the animals vocabulary. I would start to show children some animals cards. We used to play a memory game, who guess the word, he/she wins the card. The winner is who has the most number of cards in the class. Then I would do your puzzle, but I prefer not to show the words and I would do the puzzle only with the image. I feel that they can check if they remember all the words and the spelling. It is a complement of your activity.
    Congratulations for your blog. I like it.
    Begoña Cisneros

  3. Begoña,
    thanks for your idea!
    I am going to try to create the activity based on a memory game... you are right!

